Arc demaror compatibil pentru generator / motocultor / motosapa / motopompa echipate cu motor Briggs & Stratton 3,5 - 4hp.
Se mai potriveste si la TORO (unele modele), HOMELITE: 390066, JOHN DEERE: M47956, SABO: 26247, WOLF: 1007608
Latime arc: 6mm.
Bobinaj 8mm.
Motoarele de Briggs pentru care se potriveste sunt:
0700 Series Engine
91700 Series Engine
92500 Series Engine
92900 Series Engine
110702-0015-01 Engine
110702-0025-01 Engine
110702-0026-01 Engine
110702-0100-01 Engine
110702-0102-01 Engine
110702-0160-01 Engine
110702-0161-01 Engine110702-0161-02 Engine
110702-0164-01 Engine
110702-0165-01 Engine
110702-0172-01 Engine
110702-0180-01 Engine
110702-0180-02 Engine
110702-0180-03 Engine
110702-0181-01 Engine
110702-0181-02 Engine
110702-0181-03 Engine
Mentionam faptul ca produsul nu este original, insa este compatibil pentru modelele enumerate mai sus.
Categorie: Demaror generator
Producator: Taiwan
Model: Briggs&Stratton
Cod produs: GRJ43-4020
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Cod SKU: GRJ43-4020
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